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WLRI Continued as Part of IHP's Workplan

During the 23rd session of the Intergovernmental Council of UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme (IHP) Resolution XXIII-3 was adopted continuing the World's Large Rivers Initiative as part of IHP's Workplan. The Resolution was supported and/or co-sponsored by the Delegates of 20 countries. We are very pleased with this outcome and thankful for the overwhelming support for the WLRI.


UNESCO Chair Renewal

We are very pleased to announce that the UNESCO Chair on Integrated River Research and Management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna was renewed for a second period of 4 years until January 2022.


4th CONFERENCE on the Status and Future of the WORLD’S LARGE RIVERS, 2021

The 4th International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers will take place in 2021 in Moscow, Russia. For more information, please, visit our website.



WLRI Side Event at the 23rd session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council

In cooperation with the Permanent Delegation of Austria to UNESCO the UNESCO Chair on Integrated River Research and Management organised a Side Event at the 23rd session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council. The programme can be found here.


3rd WORKING GROUP MEETING, 17.-18.5.2018, Vienna, Austria

The 3rd Working Group Meeting took place on 17th/18th May 2018 in Vienna. The Concept Paper of the WLRI was discussed and finalised during the meeting.


3rd CONFERENCE on the Status and Future of the WORLD’S LARGE RIVERS, 18.-21.04.2017, New Delhi, India

The 3rd International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers took place in New Delhi, India. For more information and pictures, please, visit our website.


2nd CONFERENCE on the Status and Future of the WORLD’S LARGE RIVERS, 21.-25.07.2014, Manaus, Amazon, Brazil

The 2nd International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers took place in Manaus at the Amazon River in Brazil. For more information, please, visit our website.


Opening Ceremony, 02.06.2014

The ceremonious opening of the new UNESCO Chair took place on 2nd of June 2014 at 10:00 in the Festsaal of the BOKU Main Building (Gregor Mendel Straße 33, 1180 Vienna). Speeches were given bei the Head of the University, Prof. Gerzabek, by delegates of UNESCO at the national and international level and by representatives of the Austrian Foreign Ministery as well as the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy. The Chair Holder, Prof. Habersack, further presented the scope of the Chair and its activities.


1st CONFERENCE on the Status and Future of the WORLD’S LARGE RIVERS, 10.-14.04.2011, Vienna, Austria

The first World's Large Rivers Conference brought together more than 450 researchers and scientists from more than 73 different nations.